Tips to use food before “use by” to reduce waste

Fridge overflowing and you’ve run out of ideas on what to cook. Try the below ideas to help you get through your food to save food and money waste.

Limp vegetables

There are thousands of recipes online. Google the below meal options and try some of these dishes to turn your limp veggies into a delicious meal:

  • Soup
  • Veggie frittata
  • Gluten free pizza (using cauliflower as the base)
  • How about try a savoury pie?
  • Relish, pickles or chutney

I found recipes for all of the above meal ideas on these two below blogs (but as mentioned above you can Google them yourself to find many more): .

I’d love to hear from you if you find some good ones too – send me a link

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Spoiling fruit

As with veggies soooooooo many fruit recipes online. Google the below meal and “treat” options and try some different options:

  • Pie
  • Jam or relish
  • Smoothies
  • Icypoles
  • Cakes, breads, muffins
  • Stewed or pureed fruit
  • Roasted fruit and icecream… yum!
  • Fruit straps/leathers

I found many of the above ideas in the below blogs and the whole list is making me hungry!

Fresh meat

Do you have quite a lot of meat in your fridge ? Use these tips to keep up on top of what needs to used next:

  • Write the “use by” date on the packaging in black Texta
  • Use the meat in “use by” order
  • Not going to use it in time? Freeze it
  • Cook your favourite dish and offer it to a neighbour
  • Cryovac it – Investing in a Cryovac machine is a little bit of an outlay, but can extend the “life” of your food considerably – check out some details here.

Cooked meat

Try these meal ideas for leftover cooked meat

  • Pie
  • Toasted sandwich or fresh sandwich or wrap
  • Asian salad
  • Stew, casserole or hotpot
  • Use chicken carcass to make stock
  • Sliders (yum!)

I found recipes for all of the above meal ideas on these two below blogs (but as mentioned above you can Google them yourself to find many more):


Condiments and sauces

  • Write the “use by” date with Texta when you open condiments and sauces (e.g. most condiments should be used within a certain number of days of opening)
  • Add the condiments and sauces to your meal plan so you use it up before it spoils.

You may also like this blog “6 Tips to organise your fridge to reduce waste

What’s next?

Follow all of the above tips and tricks to reduce waste. I’d love to hear from you if you have more ideas –

Who is Julie Cliff, Professional Organiser at Space and Time

Busy, stressed, overwhelmed? Space and Time shares the practical tools to help you feel calmer, happier and less stressed. Create a welcoming, clutter-free space, develop an effective, calm flow to your days, navigate your work and your family life as seamlessly as possible and make life simpler and more fun. Find out more about working with Julie here.