I spend a lot of time in the car driving to and from clients. To pass the time I listen to audiobooks and podcasts.
During 2018 and 2019 my podcast appetite was insatiable for business, marketing and personal growth. I couldn’t get enough of ways to grow and improve my business.
During the COVID-19 effected 2020 I’ve moved away from business podcasts to a quest to create a life that is great. I spend many hours exploring some of these questions:
- what do I want my life to look like
- how can I learn from others and implement their tips into my life
- how can I share what I find with those around me
- how I can explore my purpose and
- tackling the age-old question of “what is the meaning of life?”
…. all very philosophical… but it’s been the type of year where we examine all that we thought to be “normal”.
Here’s my favorites list of motivating and inspiring podcasts to help you on your business and life journey. Enjoy!
I’ve considered starting a podcast. But the old saying of “if you can’t do it better, why bother” comes to mind as there is already a fabulous, Australian, podcast focused on decluttering.
It’s called The Art of Decluttering – It’s run by a gorgeous pair of professional organisers, Melbourne based Amy Revel and Sydney based Kirsty Farugia from The Art of Decluttering.
They have beautiful conversations about decluttering and the impact their work has on their clients. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Business / personal growth
My faves for business are:
The Influencer Podcast hosted by Julie Solomon. Tangible, practical strategies for entrepreneurs to grow their influence. I love this one for tips I can implement every day in my business.
Goal Digger The Podcast with Jenna Kutcher. Jenna has built her multi million dollar business by being authentic and sharing her entrepreneurial journey – warts and all.
RISE Podcast with Rachel Hollis, Similar to Jenna above, Rachel is a no fuss, get it done girl who has built her multi million dollar business with a high school diploma and a Google search bar. Her books Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologising (and soon to be launched Didn’t See That Coming) are also fabulous resources for women that know they are “made for more”, but are unsure about the steps to get them there. (text taken from her website). PS. Listen Rachel’s books on audio book for full impact.
Former rugby league star, turned fitness economist Adam MacDougall hosts a podcast Health Hacker with producer Alex Mitchell on how to hack our lives to feel, look and live better. I love the podcast because Adam has spent so much time researching each topic so we don’t have to. He then presents it in layman’s terms so that the sciency stuff is easy to understand. If you’re interested in health and well-being, this is a great one to tune in to.
Every now and then I get tired of listening to podcasts that give instructions on how to improve life or business with a long list of to-dos. For this reason I enjoy Happier with Gretchen Rubin to listen to and smile and pick up some great tips to make life happier without feeling pressured to take action. The podcast is hosted by Author Gretchen Rubin and her screen writing sister Elizabeth Craft.
Living a life of greatness
If you’ve been following me for a while you know I love my Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club after working there for 15 years (first as EA to the CEO and Executive Director and then accounts payable and fleet manager). Fueled by Fire is a behind the scenes look into the world of elite sport with all its ups and downs. I love the fact that the host Sandow Earl and his guests share as many of their failures as they do their successes. I highly recommend this podcast for teen boys to learn to embrace that life doesn’t always go to plan… and that’s OK.
The School of Greatness is another great podcast that shares the successes and failures of people from allover the world. Former pro athlete Lewis Howes loves his guests and his followers and delves deep into each interview to learn all he can about human behaviour to get the best out of each and every day.
Newest additions
A more recent addition to my podcast list is A Life Of Greatness hosted in Melbourne by Sarah Grynberg. Her website says “Sarah interviews some of the world’s chief thought-leaders, sports legends, entertainers, best selling authors and inspiring spiritual minds as they explain how they have overcome challenges, conquered self-limiting beliefs and connected with a deeper sense of self to achieve greatness in their lives, and provide practical tips and advice for how you can too”. I find these conversations enlightening and inspiring.
The newest addition to my podcast library is The Tim Ferriss Show. I just can’t get enough of Tim’s work after reading The 4-hour Workweek and Tools of Titans. I am fascinated by his humble pursuit to find his way in the world and amazing amount of research and exploration he delves into to figure it all out and his willingness to share his findings so we can learn from him.
I can’t finish this blog without sharing the podcast on which I was a guest this year. Here’s the episode here where I spoke to Leanne Shelton on her “Marketing and Me” podcast about the benefits of planning your week and prioritising tasks, outsourcing, and getting it all in the diary. So many great tips for working mums in this episode and health and well-being business owners in other episodes.
What’s next
If you’ve never listened to a podcast before try out one of these for some guidance and inspiration. If you are an avid podcast listener like me I’m sure you’ll find something new in my list above.
Need some help to stay up during 2020 read Pofessional Organiser Shares 9 Tips to Stay Up and here’s some more tips in the blog 3 Techniques to Choose a Finite amount of Thing to Focus on to Reduce Feeling Overwhelmed.
What’s your favourite?
I’m always on the lookout for inspiration so I’d love to hear your favourite podcast. Send me a message info@spaceandtime.com.au
Who is Julie Cliff, Professional Organiser
Being organised with your space and time can help you feel calmer, happier and less stressed. By being organised you can focus on the important things in your life: more time with your kids and family, write that novel or finally get those odd jobs around the house done. With more time to focus on yourself you can really start achieving your goals!