When was the last time you had a good look through your medicine cabinet? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while! Recently, Jules’ friend shared their experience of sorting through their medicine cupboard—it was eye-opening, to say the least.
During their declutter, they discovered a ziplock bag full of expired prescription and over-the-counter medications. Not only that, but they also had old prescriptions they’d stopped using, forgotten at the back of the shelf. It was a wake-up call! They took the expired medication straight to the pharmacy for safe disposal, which was a great reminder that medications, just like food, have a “use by” date. We wouldn’t eat expired food, so why take the risk with medicine?
Inspired by this, it’s the perfect time to tackle your own medicine cupboard. If you’re ready to do the same, here are a few simple steps to get started.
1. Check the Dates

Go through everything—tablets, creams, vitamins, and even half-used bottles you’ve forgotten about. Anything expired should go. You might be surprised at how much is past its best! Jules’ friend also learned that every sheet of medication in foil has an expiry date printed on it—something many people don’t realise.
2. Dispose of Safely
Medications should never be thrown in the bin or flushed down the toilet. Instead, take them to your local pharmacy, where they can be safely disposed of. Pharmacies have proper disposal methods that prevent harm to the environment.
3. Streamline Your Storage

Once you’ve cleared out the outdated items, organise what’s left. Use clear containers or labelled boxes to separate different types of medication—pain relief, cold and flu treatments, and first aid supplies. Jules’ friend found that their medicine basket was always overflowing, and every time they pulled it down, things would fall out. A bit of simple organisation made a world of difference!
4. Stock Up Smartly
Only replace what you actually use. There’s no need to have a pharmacy’s worth of medication at home. If you take prescription medication, consider using a Webster pack to keep track of daily doses. Jules’ friend now has their medications in a Webster pack and has set phone alarms as reminders—simple solutions that make staying on top of medication much easier.
5. Store Safely

If you have children at home, make sure all medications are stored securely and out of reach. A childproof medicine cabinet can help prevent accidents and give you peace of mind.
Decluttering your medicine cabinet is a simple but effective way to create a safer, more organised home. It doesn’t take long, but the benefits are huge—less clutter, fewer risks, and an easy-to-use system when you need it most. Plus, crossing this task off your to-do list feels great!
Still too hard?
If decluttering feels overwhelming, you’re not alone! Space and Time can help you tackle your home organisation projects, big or small. Get in touch today, and let’s create a space that works for you.
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