Julie is available to present the following workshops on request – price on application or see the Space and Time Facebook Events page here.
Mums tell me they find it exhausting juggling work and home life. Many Mums work out of necessity, others for personal fulfillment, and time pressures lead to exhaustion, overwhelm and anxiety.
In this workshop I will be sharing tips to make conscious choices with your time so you and your family members live simple, happy and healthy lives. I will also provide details of easy to implement organising systems to support this energising flow in your life instead of wrangling with the daily chaos.
This 2 hour interactive workshop includes:
- how to make conscious choices with your time
- creation of an energising daily routine
- how to be kind to yourself
- how to free you up from the daily grind to allow you to spend time with your family to create lifelong memories
- the opportunity to ask your specific questions
- expert tips from Julie
- learn what works and doesn’t from others in the room.
You will leave this workshop with
- detailed workbook with clarified priorities and goals and a tailored step by step plan to organise a life that you want
- strategies to implement immediately at home.
- specific blog resources and templates from spaceandtime.com.au
I look forward to your participation in the workshop to take stock and refocus your work / life flow.
See the next workshop details on the events page here.
Contact Julie for further details on 0413 447 562 or info@spaceandtime.com.au