An ongoing client showered me with thanks recently as we started our session. We have been working together once a week for quite a few months and it seems the fruits of our labour are resulting in less stress for this exhausted Mum. It’s a long list, but here is the success she acknowledged.
Decluttering success
Less stress with her daughter’s friend coming over for a play date – She would normally be running around exhausting herself to get ready for this play date but she is pretty well ready for the friend to visit.
Less stress from friend visit on weekend – In the past she would’ve been tidying up by moving things from all over the house into her bedroom only to be confronted with a pile of stuff at night when she went to bed.
Outsource success
Less stress picking up other people’s stuff – Kids now responsible for their own stuff through a new “jobs” list
Less angst cleaning up after everyone – Nobody leaves the kitchen until it’s neat and tidy at the end of the day.
More hands on deck – Everyone pitches in to get jobs done. This will be invaluable when my client goes back to work.
To-do list success
More clarity – Created master to-do list in a draft email on her ipad so she’s not having to-do lists on bits of paper all over the house. Need more help with your to-do list – check out this blog How to: write a next action to-do list.
Meal plan success
Less headaches at the supermarket – Created a master list on Coles online and will transfer and tweak the shopping list each week. Check out these 10 fun meal planning ideas – My 10 fav’ meal planning techniques for professional, working Mums.

Email management success
Less stress from a full inbox – Started a list of subscribed emails to review the list as a whole. She has unsubscribe to many.
Text / email dictation success
More fun and great use of time – Using the the dictation tool on the iPad to text and email people (much quicker than typing) has been invaluable. My client also said her daughter is using it too and has been using very descriptive words and asking for synonyms as she created the email.
Next steps?
Try using the same techniques to reduce stress from clutter, plan your meals online and save time by using dictation when you can.
Still need help?
Who is Julie Cliff, Professional Organiser at Space and Time?
The working mother juggle isn’t easy and can make life feel overly busy, stressful and overwhelming. Space and Time is a professional organising consultancy which helps busy working mothers live easier, far less stressful lives through simple, easy to implement organising systems to clear the clutter- both mentally and physically.