Over the last couple of months my blogs and posts have focused on how we use our time and setting up and keeping Healthy Habits. Over the next 2 months I’d like to share my storage and space saving ideas. Firstly we will look at why we have too much stuff. In the following weeks we will look at some solutions to storage problems that many of us suffer from; especially too many toys and too many clothes!
Why do we have so much stuff?
Clutter Expert, Peter Walsh (you would have seen him on The Living room), says in his book “It’s All Too Much”:
“There’s a stuff epidemic in this country (he’s actually referring to America in the book, but it’s just as relevant to us in Australia). We live in one of the most prosperous nations on earth, and we measure our success by material accumulation. Everywhere we look we are encouraged to buy more. Love your kids? Prove it to them by giving them the best clothes, games, sports paraphernalia or the latest video game system. There is barely time to relax, we try to find happiness by buying more stuff”.
Peter goes on to say. “Instead of bringing you closer to the life you want to live, your stuff starts getting in the way.”
So what’s the big deal about having too much stuff?
- Too much stuff often leaves you feeling overwhelmed
- Too much stuff means it takes more effort to be organised
- Too much stuff, as Peter suggests, gets in the way of living a simple life.
Let me put a challenge to you to combat the overwhelm, the feeling of being unorganised and in a effort to move towards a simpler life:
Over the next 2 months whilst I’m posting about stuff, make a concerted effort to:
- get rid of stuff and
- bring in less stuff.
You don’t have to go nuts and throw out everything you own and not buy anything at all. Just be mindful of what you can let go of and what you are bringing into the house.
How to get rid of stuff
- There are many great online resources to help you declutter (I just “Googled” declutter and got over 11 million hits!)
- To give you a great kickstart I shared “31 Days to Get Organized” series of videos by Peter Walsh. To review the challenges click here.
- Make some time to backtrack and either follow the 31 challenges for the month, or pick a couple that you really need some help with and
- Let me know how you go.
How to bring in less stuff
- When you’re out at Bunnings, Cosco,, KMart , supermarket, or anywhere that has inexpensive stuff or bargains, take a list and stick to it..
- Watch out for low prices: don’t think “it was so cheap that you just couldn’t leave it there”. Do a “trolley health check” before you reach the register.
Being mindful of what you can let go of and what you are bringing into the house makes a difference to the stuff you surround yourself with.
Do you have routine for decluttering that you would like to share with us, or have some tips on sensible shopping?
If you need a hand decluttering check out my decluttering services or Contact me today for a chat about how small changes to your planning can make a big difference to the stuff that is around you.