Weekend or extra curricular sport can be busy, stressful and exhausting. Get to the game and you forgotten the mouth-guard; preparing to go to the game and the uniform’s not washed and sometimes there’s multiple events to go to on the weekend leaving you feel rushed and anxious. Here are a few tips to teach your kids to get organised for their own sport activities:
Work with the kids to create a number of checklists they can follow themselves. They may handwrite and decorate the list with their favourite characters, or create something on Google Slides/Powerpoint etc. Here’s a few checklists to start with:
The night before
When our oldest Son played rugby league we would often need to be in the car and heading to the event at 7am on a Saturday morning! For this reason we prepared for the event as much as we could the night before. We would lay it all out on the kitchen floor, with the footy bag so it was ready to pack in the morning.
Checklist 1 – things to take in the bag on the day
– water bottle
– spare set of clothes (undies, socks, tshirt)
– mouth-guard (other protective equipment such as shin guards, headgear)
– footy boots (other special footware)
– towel, plastic bag for dirty boots/shoes
– blanket for car
– medication (if applicable)
– after game snacks.
(this is probably a Winter sport bag… if playing in Summer consider sunscreen, hat, extra water etc.)
Checklist 2 – things to wear on the day.
– team jersey
– team sorts/dress
– socks
– undies
– tracksuit
– shoes
On the night before get these items out from their permanent home so they are ready to go.
Don’t forget to pack your own stuff as well including coats/jackets, beanies, unberellas etc (you can tell I’ve been to many rugby league games, in Melbourne in Winter). If your kids are doing summer sport you may need a hat and sunscreen yourself.
After the event
Get the kids involved to unpack everything as soon as you return from the event (sweaty footy jumpers are not nice to deal with a few days later)
– wash the uniform
– clean the mouthguard
– wash the water bottle.
– repack the bag so it’s already to go for next time.
Next steps?
Getting the kids involved in this way helps them learn the responsibility for their actions. If they forget the mouth-guard and can’t play this may remind them to pack it next time.
Planning ahead is a great skill to learn. Get the kids to create the checklists required.
Still need help?
I can come and create a weekend sport or weekday sport checklist with you and the kids and even hang out with you before sport one day to watch the events unfold for myself and offer advice. Reach out to me at info@spaceandtime.com.au
Who is Julie Cliff, Professional Organiser at Space and Time?
The working mother juggle isn’t easy and can make life feel overly busy, stressful and overwhelming. Space and Time is a professional organising consultancy which helps busy working mothers live easier, far less stressful lives through simple, easy to implement organising systems to clear the clutter- both mentally and physically.