So you’ve just spent all day cleaning up the kids toys or the office or kitchen. How do you keep it looking good and keep it organised? Try 1 or all of these 7 tips.
1. Remind yourself – Print off this sign and put it on flat surfaces. It’s a great reminder to put things where they should go instead of dumping them.
2. Get everyone onboard – Get everyone in your home to commit to keeping it looking good. Don’t get organised and tidy up because the visitors are coming. Do it for yourselves.
3. Easy systems – Set up systems to support to you. As mentioned in the blog Take control of your paperwork, systems should be easy to use so you are more inclined to follow it through.
4. Tidy up daily – pick a time each day to put things back in their right spot. Try these ideas:
Kitchen & dining room – as a family we do this after dinner each night. No one goes back to their computers (my boys are online gamers), until the dishes are done/ dishwasher stacked, clothes put away in their rooms.
Office – If you’re trying to keep your office tidy, make a time at the end of each day to straighten things up – coffee cups back to the kitchen, put files away. Leave the space so it’s ready for the next day.
Toys – A girlfriend of mine with 6 kids packs up all toys after the afternoon session of Play School. Only certain toys are able to come out after that clean up.
5. A place for everything and everything in its place – yes it’s an old cliche, but it works. All items that you frequently use needs a permanent home. Be diligent to return the item to its permanent home straight after you use it.
6. Label it – Write instructions or label so there is no question where things go after they have been used.
7. Focus on one project at a time – finish off one project and put it away before starting on the next one to avoid getting in a mess.
With some easy systems, a permanent home for items, a bit of discipline and a commitment to being organised you will be able to keep your stuff under control.
Need help?
Need help to set up systems at your house so things run smoothly? Call Julie Cliff today on 0413 447 562