There are so many benefits to being organised. Some benefits give you more of something you want to do, other benefits give you less of the things you don’t want to do. Which is your favourite benefit of being organised?
More free time
Spend time doing what you want: hanging out with the kids, walking the dog, doing yoga… whatever you CHOOSE.
More focus
Focus on what’s important not chasing your tail dealing with the unimportant.
More fun
Who wants to be weighed down in clutter and stuff? Get organised and reap the benefits of so much more fun.
More chance of spontaneity
Being organised allows you to do things on a whim because all the necessary things are taken care of. Want to take a trip to the country.. why not because all the bills are paid, washing is done and you’ve cleared your calendar for the weekend.
More money
More money by not buying an item in the first place because it’s not necessary or more money because you know where things are and you don’t need to re-Byatt.

More energy
More energy to focus on what you want rather than have all the things that you haven’t done and wasting energy.
Less cleaning
Less things to dust, less things to move, less things to clean.
Less stress
Less stress thinking you should have done something earlier or thinking I’m going to be late or where is my missing shoe!?
Less to manage
Less to figure out where to put them and how to cram something into your already full cupboard and less moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Less over stimulus
Less overstimuls from your clutter distracted and overstimulated according to Princeon University.
Next steps?
Spend some time deciding how you want to spend your time. What do you want to spend more time doing and what do you want to spend less time doing. Focusing on your priorities is a great way to start to get organised. Need more help read this blog – Clear goals make priority setting easy
Need more help?
Julie Cliff is a Professional Organiser at Space and Time which helps busy working mothers live easier, far less stressful lives through simple, easy to implement organising systems to clear the clutter – both mentally and physically. Sound familiar? Julie would love to hear from you via info@spaceandtime.com.au